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icon Live Well Tips ©

Live Well Tips is a service for those who want to be proactive in improving their health and well-being. By raising awareness of health conditions that may silently be creeping up, and by motivating and assisting subscribers in taking appropriate health actions, we can help delay or prevent the onset of chronic health conditions like diabetes, high BP, etc.

Learning about health can also be a very interesting!

Did you know that (contrary to popular belief), apples are better at waking you up than coffee? Whether you knew that (or not), would you like to get more daily tips about health related topics, like the one about food labels shown in the figure on the right?

Then LiveWell Tips are for you!

Get daily hints, tips, alerts and information about health topics. You will find them useful in improving your health or at least interesting enough to raise your health-awareness.

Or, you?ll get some useful tips to try new things... or improve the effectiveness of what you may already be doing.

Because of family history, age, lifestyles, etc. we are all susceptible to certain health conditions, but there are a lot of things that can be done to them ward off.
Do you know what your health risks are?
Would you like to know what you can do to reduce your risks?

LiveWell Tips also inform you about risk factors, early warning signs and actions you can take to find out if you have any lurking issues.
Your mobile is the key that will open the door to greater health-awareness and lead you to enjoy the benefits of excellent overall health.

Live Well Tip: Check the food label before you eat if there are more then 6 ingredients, chances are at least one is artificial or harmful.

icon Quit Smoke Tips ©

QuitSmoke Tips © service sends daily SMS messages with hints, tips, information and alerts to help you stay focused on quitting. It also helps you deal with cravings, urges and withdrawal symptoms, and provides tips and hints to avoid smoking triggers and remain smoke-free; some examples are shown in the figure and table.

Are you getting pressured by your family members, doctors or employers to quit?
Are you finding it more and more difficult to find a place to smoke?
Are more and more of your friends quitting?
Are you starting to experience some ill effects of smoking?
Do you have high BP or Diabetes?
If you are trying to quit smoking for any reason,

Then QuitSmoke Tips © is for you!

QuitSmoke Tips� is based on known psychological and behavioural change models and embeds the principles of awareness, planning, action and repetition in order to develop new smoking-avoidance habits.

Others have used QuitSmoke Tips� with great success! One subscriber said: "I recently started the QuitSmoke 8 weeks ago and have found the tips extremely helpful in my journey to quit smoking, especially dealing with the cravings and urges one feels when they first give up smoking..."

Another said: "I am happy to say that I am no longer a smoker. With the help of QuitSmoke, I managed to stay focused and learned to avoid triggers that urge me to smoke. QuitSmoke is an excellent service that helped me on a daily basis so I could kick this terrible habit, and all for less than a pack a month of cigarettes..."

What makes you want to smoke? Coffee? Meals? Driving? Boredom? Colleagues? Finding out and breaking the links is key to kicking the habit.

You don?t have to smoke every time you take a break. Today, no smoking during one break ? just do it. Be the master of your breaks. Think!

Quit Smoke Tip: Think: Do you smoke every time you eat? (Yes you do!). So how come you don't eat every time you smoke? Break the link.

icon Well Woman Tips ©

WellWomanTips © is for women who want to learn more about women's health issues and become more proactive in improving their health.

Many women appear to be in perfect health, but they may not be aware of certain health conditions for which they are vulnerable. Some of these conditions do not drastically affect daily living and other activities, but over time, they will get worse if not adequately treated. Some of these conditions have no outward signs or symptoms and can only be detected during a medical evaluation. Others, however, have early signs or symptoms that can be watched for. By making women aware of these signs and symptoms, we can help catch these conditions early, before they become serious.

PurpleTeal sends personalized email and/or SMS messages to subscribers to build health consciousness and awareness of women?s health issues, such as weight, arthritis, breast and cervical cancer, PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome), fibroids, menopause, thyroid issues, osteoporosis, etc., and motivates them to take appropriate action.

Anemia Aware: If the lines on your palm are pale or if the inside of your eyelids are pale, you may have anemia. Please see your Doctor.

Osteo-who? Osteoporosis is more likely in women near menopause who drink a lot of coffee, don't exercise enough and eat a calcium-poor diet.

Well Woman Tip: Lack of Sleep can add pounds! if you're up late, u ead up snacking. Also, appetite hormones take over, making u hungrier the next morning.

icon Prevent Diabetes Tips ©

Type 2 Diabetes usually strikes people after age 35. The early signs are subtle, so a third of those with the disease don?t even know they have it. They are unable to properly convert food to energy, allowing sugar levels to build up, which causes serious complications over time, if not treated.

Many go undiagnosed and untreated, increasing the risks for premature heart disease, blindness, chronic kidney disease, nerve damage, skin and foot problems that lead to amputations. We aim to help these individuals become more aware about diabetes and do a better job of managing the disease if they have it.

Are you tired in the afternoons?
Do you get up several times at night to urinate?
Is your skin dry or itchy?
These are some of the many signs of diabetes. If you want to know more about the signs and symptoms of diabetes and how to prevent the disease from taking hold in your body,

Prevent Diabetes Tips © is for you!

The onset of diabetes in those with risk factors can be prevented or at least delayed, by making them aware of these risk factors, early signs and symptoms, and motivating them to take preventive actions.

Daily messages like the ones shown, build awareness about the disease. Tips for preventing diabetes through proper diet, exercise, stress reduction and other activities are also given.

Self Help. If your BMI (Body Mass Index) is over 25, you could be unknowingly heading down the road to Diabetes. Get a checkup today!

The proverbial apple a day may keep the doctor away. But when it comes to diabetes, exercising thrice a week for an hour is the way to go.

Prevent Diabetes: Sympotom: If you experience confusion or disorientation sometimes, it may be because your blood sugars are up and down - pls get it checked

icon Pregnancy Tips ©

PregnanTips © is intended for women who are at least 4 weeks into pregnancy.

Being pregnant is an exciting time for the mother-to-be!
From the time the baby is conceived, there is non-stop growth and development until delivery.
The mother’s body also undergoes major changes during this time.
There are times of great delight as well as times of great discomfort
- it is all part of the wonderful experience of pregnancy.

Every day, there will be questions about healthy pregnancy. What should you eat?
What should you not eat? Can you exercise? What type of tests should you do and when?
How much weight should you gain? How can you prevent preterm labor?
Will you need bed rest? How do you know if something is not quite right?

There will be a lot of questions everyday, but understanding the progression of the pregnancy week by week can help you make better decisions. Learn all the basic do's and don'ts, and get the basics on nutrition, rest, stress, and other healthy pregnancy issues - from exercise to back pain. The more you know about your pregnancy week by week, the easier it will be to manage.

PregnanTips © sends daily hints, tips and alerts to keep the mother informed about the changes she is going through, what to expect, precautions and actions to take in order to maintain a normal pregnancy. The messages also describe how the baby is developing, what is going on inside the womb, how to recognize the signs of common problems and seek medical attention.

Expecting mothers must go for medical checkups every few weeks at first, then weekly until the baby is born. Between checkups, they must take day to day actions to protect the baby and ensure full and proper development.

The PregnanTips © service gently informs the mother about these activities and helps her to stay informed as the pregnancy proceeds to full term.

Mothers-to-be can subscribe to the service and specify their respective week of pregnancy - the service will begin the messaging at the appropriate week and continue until the end of the pregnancy, or until the mother unsubscribes.

Pregnan Tips: Week 6. There is a large bulge where the heart is and a bump for the head - the brain is developing. Actual size head to bottom is about8mm.

icon Lose Weight Tips ©

Lose Weight Tips © is intended for those who want to lose weight and keep it off!

Learning about health can also be a very interesting!

Did you make or are you thinking of making a resolution to lose weight?
Are more and more of your friends trying to lose weight?
Are you starting to experience some of the ill effects of being overweight, like high BP, high cholesterol or Diabetes?
Do your knees hurt when you run or walk fast?
Are you getting pressured by your family members, doctors or employers to lose weight?
Then, LoseWeight is for you!

The service sends timely SMS messages with hints, tips, alerts and information designed to help you stay focused on losing weight, such as the one in the figure and table below. The messages will help you become more active, improve your metabolism and develop new habits in order to lose weight and enjoy better health.

What are you shaped like - apple or pear? The former should cut carbs and sugar. Both shapes must avoid fats. If it's a watermelon, pray.

The faster you eat, the more you consume. Try eating slowly, enjoy every bite, chew 20 times before swallowing - you'll end up eating less!

Lose Weight: Skipping breakfast is a bad idea. Your body will adapt and store whatever you eat next as fat. Don't score a self goal!

icon Be CALM Tips ©

For those who wish to reduce stress, BeCALM service sends daily SMS messages with hints, tips, information and alerts to help them stay focused on managing stress and on dealing with stressors and stress symptoms, as well as tips and hints to recognize and avoid toxic stressors and obtain stress-relief; some examples are shown in the figure alongside and the table below.

Are you easily irritated by family members or friends?
Are you starting to experience some ill effects of stress (e.g. tiredness, headaches, loss of interest)?
Do you have high BP or Diabetes?

Then BeCALM Tips © is for you!

BeCALM Tips © service is based on the principles of awareness-building, planning, action and repetition in order to develop new stress management habits. All stress is not bad, as some stress is essential for living and achieving progress. However when stress is intense or chronic, it becomes toxic. The key is to differentiate which is which, and deal with each differently.

The service sends timely SMS messages with hints, tips, Alerts and information designed to help subscribers stay focused on managing stress and to help them deal with stressors and avoid them where possible.

The messages also prompt subscribers to try out and select their own stress-handling techniques that lead to sustained stress-relief for them.

BeCALM Tips © helps subscribers develop new long-term habits to reduce stress levels, increase physical activity levels to counter stress and boost stress-hardiness, and also prompts them to take some stress-relieving action on a day to day basis.

Are your allergies getting worse? Stress can stimulate the production of IgE, a blood protein that causes allergic reactions.

Active breathing: Breathe in to the count of 4, hold for 7 and then slowly exhale for 8. Make sure you breathe in deep. Repeat 15 times.

BeCALM Tip: It's in the Eyes! Place the tips of two fingers above one eyebrow. Now move the eye around. Repeat with other eye. Cuts stress immediately!

Are you easily irritated by family members or friends?
Are you starting to experience some ill effects of stress (e.g. tiredness, headaches, loss of interest)?
Do you have high BP or Diabetes?

Then BeCALM Tips © is for you!

BeCALM Tips © service is based on the principles of awareness-building, planning, action and repetition in order to develop new stress management habits. All stress is not bad, as some stress is essential for living and achieving progress. However when stress is intense or chronic, it becomes toxic. The key is to differentiate which is which, and deal with each differently.

The service sends timely SMS messages with hints, tips, Alerts and information designed to help subscribers stay focused on managing stress and to help them deal with stressors and avoid them where possible.

The messages also prompt subscribers to try out and select their own stress-handling techniques that lead to sustained stress-relief for them.

BeCALM Tips © helps subscribers develop new long-term habits to reduce stress levels, increase physical activity levels to counter stress and boost stress-hardiness, and also prompts them to take some stress-relieving action on a day to day basis.

Are your allergies getting worse? Stress can stimulate the production of IgE, a blood protein that causes allergic reactions.

Active breathing: Breathe in to the count of 4, hold for 7 and then slowly exhale for 8. Make sure you breathe in deep. Repeat 15 times.

BeCALM Tip: It's in the Eyes! Place the tips of two fingers above one eyebrow. Now move the eye around. Repeat with other eye. Cuts stress immediately!

icon Healthy Heart Tips ©

Healthy Heart Tips © is intended for those who want to do a better job of managing their heart health.

Heart problems can strike people as early as age 35. The early signs may be subtle, so many of those with underlying disease don?t even know they have it. When issues do occur, they are alarming, and even though modern medicine offers many effective treatments, they tend to be complex and expensive. We aim to help at-risk individuals become more aware about heart health and become more proactive about preventing problems. Heart Health Tips � provides daily informational tips on Heart-Healthy habits.

Daily messages like the ones shown, build awareness about risk factors, potential problems, how they can progress and degrade the body, as well as tips for better heart health through proper diet, exercise, stress reduction and other activities are also given.

High BP has no symptoms - so it's been called the 'silent killer'. There are few signs, so many people who have it don't know they have it.

High BP places extra burden on your heart - it has to work harder to pump blood, which thickens and stretches the heart muscle.

Healthy Heart: There are three major types of risk factors for heart disease: non-modifiable factors, behavioral factors and physiological factors.

icon Manage Diabetes Tips ©

Manage Diabetes Tips © is intended for those who want to do a better job of managing their diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes mostly strikes people after age 35. The early signs are subtle, so a third of those with the disease don?t even know they have it. Those with diabetes are unable to properly convert food to energy, allowing sugar levels to build up, which causes serious complications over time, if not treated. An estimated 280 million people, or 6.4 percent of the world's population have diabetes. Many go undiagnosed and untreated, increasing the risks for premature heart disease, blindness, chronic kidney disease, nerve damage, skin and foot problems that lead to amputations. We aim to help these individuals become more aware about diabetes and do a better job of managing the disease if they have it.

Many go untreated, increasing the risks for premature heart disease, blindness, chronic kidney disease, nerve damage, skin and foot problems that lead to amputations. We aim to help these individuals become more aware about diabetes and do a better job of managing The disease if they have it.

Manage Diabetes Tips © provides daily informational tips to improve such diabetes management habits.

Daily messages like the ones shown, build awareness about the disease and how it can progress and degrade the body.

Tips for managing diabetes through proper diet, exercise, stress reduction and other activities are also given. Tips to help those who have been diagnosed with diabetes to better understand how their bodies respond to their food habits, stress levels, physical and other activities are also given, to help improve diabetes self-management.

If u don't believe that exercise helps, try this: Get a blood sugar reading, exercise for 30 mins, and take another reading. This is real!

The best time to exercise? It's when ur blood sugar peaks after eating. Read ur blood sugar every 30 min, find the peak & plan accordingly

Manage Diabetes: Shun mashed potatoes & go for mashed cauliflower instead! It looks similar, tastes better, & doesn't let the spike strike!

icon Prevent Cancer Tips ©

Cancer is a leading cause of disability and death, and by the time it is diagnosed, it has probably been developing for months or even years. The early signs are often subtle and inconclusive, so many people who have cancer don’t even know they have it. Fortunately, much can be done to prevent or at least delay onset of cancer. According to the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), at least half of all cancer deaths are preventable by healthy eating, exercise, maintaining appropriate weight, avoiding smoking and going for regular screenings.

Everyone knows that lung cancer is caused by smoking, but do you know how other cancers like cervical, breast, prostate, etc. start? Do you know when they typically strike and how you can detect them early (when they are easier to treat)?

Prevent Cancer Tips © Service:
Prevent Cancer daily tips and factoids inform you about risk factors, warning signs, symptoms, screening tests, etc. builds awareness of cancer and what you can do to prevent it. The service also helps you develop long-term cancer-prevention habits.

Healthy Heart: There are three major types of risk factors for heart disease: non-modifiable factors, behavioral factors and physiological factors.

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Narayanan Ram Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Narayanan Ram, Chief Executive Officer, PurpleTeal, Inc., is an experienced entrepreneur with deep roots in the information technology industry.

He was previously the Chairman & CEO of SeeItFirst Inc., a video software tools company that Mr. Ram founded in 1997. He conceptualized, architected and implemented the first 'interactive frame-based video streaming technology and received patents for the same. Mr. Ram raised millions of dollars in capital from NBC/GE, MKS Ventures, and Deutsche Bank.

He launched the first product in 1998, and built up a blue chip customer base with more than 100 implementations in US, Japan and India. He also put together a strong management team and Board of Directors. SeeItFirst was acquired by the UB Group in 2001, and Mr. Ram continued as CEO until 2004.

Before founding SeeItFirst, Mr. Ram worked for Cirrus Logic in various capacities from 1993 to 1996, and helped deliver their first video-conferencing chip. Mr. Ram joined Cirrus Logic after his undergraduate degree in 1993.

Within a few months, he was promoted to Senior Engineer, then to Manager of Video Telecom Products in 1995. In 1996, at the time of leaving Cirrus Logic to found SeeItFirst, Mr. Ram was Director of Video Telecom Products. Mr. Ram has an M.S. in Electrical Engineering and holds several patents.
